"Sales boost through data analytics: experiences Marino, Netherlands"

March 17, 2024
4 min
Boost your bol.com Sales Performance: Learning moments from a Post-Bankrupt Entrepreneur

Always dreamed of increasing your sales performance on bol.com? If you want to be successful as an online seller, you've come to the right place at Sellevate. Today we are sharing valuable insights from the remarkable story of Aaron Marino, as described in his article in Practical Ecommerce. Marino went from bankruptcy to a thriving entrepreneur, and here are some key learnings you can apply to your bol.com sales strategy.

You Can Fail and Succeed Anyway

Aaron's first business was not successful. Instead of giving up, however, he learned from his failures and adjusted his strategies. Similarly, if your bol.com sales performance is not currently what you would like, it doesn't mean you should give up. The key is to keep learning and adjusting your strategies based on what works and what doesn't.

Learn from your Mistakes

Aaron's success did not come without hardships. As he puts it himself, failure is not an enemy, but a friend. It is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and grow. Therefore, you should view any failure in your sales performance on bol.com as an opportunity to assess, adjust and refine your strategy.

Hard work pays off

After the failure of his first business, Aaron ended up keeping himself alive by driving a beer cart for gas money. Still, he didn't give up. He worked hard to better himself in the area of business management and eventually successfully built a new business. This underscores the importance of hard work and determination. The difficulties you face when selling on bol.com may seem overwhelming, but remain patient and persevere. The rewards will be well worth it.

Invest in yourself

Aaron emphasizes that the best investment you can make is in yourself. If you want to improve on bol.com, invest in yourself and your knowledge. Knowing how to sell effectively on bol.com can make the difference between success and failure. To that end, Sellevate offers the best tools and training to take your sales skills to the next level.


Despite challenging obstacles, Aaron Marino eventually became a thriving entrepreneur. His story teaches us that failure is an essential part of the learning process and that perseverance and the will to learn from mistakes are crucial to achieving success. Remember: every setback in your sales performance on bol.com is just another step on the road to success. At Sellevate, we are ready to help you on this journey. So what are you waiting for? Let's start building your success story on bol.com today!

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