Selling Successfully on A Guide for Beginning Partners

June 3, 2024
5 min

Selling through Your guide to success is one of the most popular and versatile e-commerce platforms in the Netherlands and Belgium, where entrepreneurs of all sizes can offer their products to millions of customers. The ability to sell via offers enormous opportunities, but how exactly do you go about this? In this article, we dive deeper into the world of selling on, and how can support you in this adventure.

Why sell through

Before we get into the depths of how to get started, it's important to understand why is an attractive platform for sellers. With millions of visitors per month, offers immense visibility for your products. In addition, the platform facilitates everything from payments to customer service, allowing you to focus on what really matters: growing your business.

Your first steps on

To begin selling through, you must first create a sales account. This process is fairly simple and requires information about your business, your bank information, and your VAT number. Once your account is approved, you can start adding your products. Here it is crucial to provide clear and complete product information, including high-quality product photos, so customers know exactly what to expect.

Optimizing your sales strategy

However, just adding products to is not enough to really drive sales. It is important to optimize your sales strategy through marketing, pricing, and customer service. This is where can play a crucial role by providing advanced tools for product research and pricing strategies specifically for sellers. This can help differentiate your products in a highly competitive market.

The importance of product research

Product research is fundamental to success on Identifying profitable products, understanding demand, and analyzing the competition are steps that cannot be skipped. With, you get access to powerful tools that help you conduct this type of research. This allows you to make strategic decisions about which products to best offer and how to price them.

Automating for efficiency

Efficiency is essential in the rapidly changing world of e-commerce. offers functionalities to automate essential processes such as inventory management, price adjustments and sales performance tracking. By automating these tasks, you save valuable time, which you can spend on further developing your business.


Selling through can be a very profitable venture given the right preparation and tools. With a solid knowledge of the platform, a solid sales strategy and the help of, you can take your online business to the next level. Start exploring the possibilities today and take the first step to e-commerce success on

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