Boost your
e-commerce sales

Whether you're just starting out or already an experienced retailer, Sellevate grows your e-commerce business. Easily manage your own stores in one view and perform product research by searching, tracking and calculating.
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Experience the power
of Sellevate

Store Management

Before you go into business, you want to explore the market. Sellevate helps you find the opportunities on your online platform. So you can make decisions based on data. Thanks to Sellevate, you can see what related products there are and how sales are going.

Product Research

How are your sales going and what can you optimize? On a clear dashboard you can check daily how you are doing. Monitor your sales, compare periods, your turnover and compare with your competitors. Is your sales price not too high? Do you have the desired margin on your products? Do you have enough inventory? And much more you'll see in product research.

Products tracking

Comprehensive service for tracking product performance and sales on your e-commerce platform, with capabilities for market exploration and data-driven decision making

Bulb Trends

‍Boltrends, an initiative of Sellevate, provides an advanced toolset for sellers to maximize their online sales. A Dutch pioneer in e-commerce solutions, Boltrends combines innovative technology with in-depth market knowledge to strengthen your sales strategy.
Dashboard mockup

Overview of your e-commerce store on a Dashboard

Track and analyze interesting products and keep them organized in product lists. This will keep you ahead of your competition.
Integrations possible with

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How it works

This is how Sellevate works

Sellevate is a handy tool where you get insight, collect figures and data. In addition to insight into your own sales, you can also see how other products are performing. Get unique insight into the market. Determine your strategy in advance and capitalize on new opportunities.
Dashboard mockup

Read experience of others!

Reviews from our users
"Never before has it been so easy to track products on as it is now with Sellevate's product research tool. Through a google extension button you can add products directly from to the tracker, which not only shows sales, but also stocks, prices and reviews from all sellers of the product."
Rik Wolsink
Globe seller
"With Sellevate you have the complete product research tool for your business. The tracker tool where you can simply track products, the calculator that provides the right calculations and the niche radar that you use for your product research. Sellevate offers ease of use with a clean environment that works simply and quickly."
Wietse 't Jong
Globe seller
"Sellevate is a valuable product research tool with tremendous potential, accurate and valuable, the best automation for all the tracking you consider necessary as an e-commerce company."
Bram Hollanders
Globe seller
"I started with 60 euro sales in the first month, and in the second month using this product research tool already with 600! Working with Sellevate ensures that you quickly know what sells and what doesn't. You get instant insight into what profit margins you can start grabbing. Speed is key!"
Kariem Elgabely
Globe seller
"I estimate that I have now made 6x more sales and say 2.5 more margins since working with Sellevate. I can calculate my margin exactly and also the break-even point. This combined with negotiations with suppliers ensures that I can make decisions with certainty and be efficient."
Chris van der leeden
Globe seller
"With Sellevate you have the complete product research tool for your business. The tracker tool where you can simply track products, the calculator that provides the right calculations and the niche radar that you use for your product research. Sellevate offers ease of use with a clean environment that works simply and quickly."
Rik Wolsink
Globe seller
"Sellevate's product research tool does what it is supposed to do; take your product research process off your hands. With clear data, you get an overview and grip on your winners!"
Ramon De Langen
Globe seller
Tips & Tricks

If you undertake online ...

There's a lot involved in that. Plenty of opportunities to optimize. Read the Sellevate blog, take advantage of it.

"Optimaliseer Uw Verkoopsucces op Tips en Strategieën voor Verkopers"

Sellevate helpt aspirant-verkopers succesvol te worden op de online marktplaats door middel van tools voor marktonderzoek, winkelbeheer en concurrentieanalyse om verkoopprestaties te verbeteren en een concurrentievoordeel te behouden.

Een Duik in DHL eCommerce

DHL e-commerce is een verzenddienst afgestemd op de behoeften van online verkopers, met wereldwijde dekking, betrouwbare tracking, concurrerende prijzen en integratie met e-commerce platforms zoals, bedoeld om de klantervaring te verbeteren en de online verkoop te stimuleren.

Strategies for Successful Selling on

This article describes how to successfully start selling products on by registering as a seller, conducting product research, optimizing product listings, providing excellent customer service and using tools such as to improve product selection and competitive advantage.